Friday, April 27, 2007

There is no ethanol without water...

Water is a key issue in ethanol production. Not only water is needed to grow feedstock crops
but it is also needed in the plant:

Water Use by ethanol plants(
[...]one of the most important emerging concerns is the consumptive use of water. Consumptive use of water is broadly defined as any use of water that reduces the supply from which it is withdrawn or diverted.
As would be expected, most ethanol plants are being sited in the Corn Belt. Many of these regions are also experiencing significant water supply concerns, particularly in the western portion of the region. Minimal data is available on groundwater depletion, and
the scope of future water availability is not clear. It will be to the benefit of the ethanol industry, and rural development initiatives in general, to get more clarity on the relationship between ethanol production, water consumption, and impacts on water supplies.
Otherwise, shortage of water could be the Achilles heel of corn-based and perhaps cellulose-based ethanol [...]

UI investigators evaluate ways for ethanol plants to recycle more water (
[...] Ethanol plants use about three gallons of water for every gallon of ethanol they make, using the dry grind process. [...]

Opportunities to conserve Water(

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